School Partnership
Forever SNOWie is committed to partnering with local schools in our community. See how inviting us out for school events can be rewarding in so many ways.
A SNOWie Day is an awesome way for your school to fundraise, and an awesome opportunity for us to Give-Back. We establish days and times, of your choosing, wherein we come out to your school and serve our Snowie product to your students, teachers and staff. At the end of the event we simply cut you a check for a percentage of the proceeds. SNOWie Days are great for rewarding students & staff, or for any occasion that might call for a Cool, Sweet, Treat!! SNOWie Days are offered to schools “contract-free”. The service can be cancelled at anytime. We are confident, however that the quality of service and product will speak for itself. So keep us in mind as you plan your school events. SNOWie Days can be a great aide to your fundraising goals.
School Boosters & PTA’s
So… SNOWie Days are nice and all, but what about your band program, sports program, and all of the other various extracurricular activities that your school provides?
We’ve Got You Covered!!!!
We partner with boosters and PTA’s during car washes, bake sales, and other various seasonal events; and just like with SNOWie Days, we gladly contribute a portion of sales earned to help you achieve your goal. We even work alongside your school’s general concession during games, complementing the concession experience for your customers and creating extra revenue for your school. So, if your band needs to raise funds for the annual trip, your football team needs new uniforms, or maybe your PTA would love to replace the old playground equipment at your elementary school; let us join in with your efforts.
Forever SNOWie was founded with the understanding that giving back would be an essential element and requirement for our success. This is why we are constantly looking to help out with fundraising. For all non-profit fundraising opportunities, Forever SNOWie will give back a percentage of sales to your organization. Contact us to find out more!
We Want To Help You Raise Funds!!!
We really do want to be a part of your efforts to raise money for great causes and organizations, and we know how to fundraise for just about anything. Let us partner with your organization, league or team to sell shaved ice and return a generous portion of the proceeds. We can easily accommodate over 500 servings per hour! High volume crowds are a no-brainer for us. – We can serve a person in 3 seconds. Just tell us where to set-up and who to write the check to. Really – it’s that simple. We have several different fundraising programs.
Athletic Leagues & Youth Organizations
We are committed to giving back to our community. If you are in need of a fast, fun, and EASY way to raise funds for your sports league or youth club, then Forever SNOWie is the answer! We provide friendly service with quick set-up and take-down times. The best part is a portion of the sales will be donated to your organization.
Church & Non-Profit Organizations
We love supporting the pillars of our community. That’s why we are always seeking opportunities to partner with Churches and Non-Profits and their missions & causes. So, invite us to your next VBS, Relay for Life, Youth Program and watch your earnings explode!